Area stampa

  • The future of facial plastics and rhinoplasty.
    Interest in facial plastic surgery and in particular rhinoplasty has never been greater. From his wealth of experience in the field, Professor Palma outlines the potential problems of this increasing popularity… Leggi
  • Rhinoplasty: state-of-the-art.
    Rhinoplasty surgery has evolved over the years, and Pietro Palma introduces
    a further new concept. Leggi
  • L’ibrida va in sala
    Chi desidera ingentilire i tratti del naso o ripristinarne la funzionalità compromessa e deve (o vuole) ricorrere alla rinoplastica, ha a disposizione la rinoplastica “ibrida”…Leggi
  • eXlsa 2014 – eXtreme live surgery arena
    eXlsa 2014 delivered its promise: “meet experts in action!” Leggi
  • IFFPSS update: Resounding success in Rome
    Nose & Face World Rome 2012, the Seventh International Federation of Facial Plastic Surgery Societies (IFFPSS) Congress in Rome… Leggi
  • Fall Meeting Highlights the evolution of Facial Plastic Surgery and what lies ahead
    Joi your colleagues in September 5-8, 2012, for the Annual Fall Meeting at the Wardman Park Marriott Hotel. Leggi
  • Un profilo regale
    Il naso “alla francese” non piace più. I canoni della bellezza mutano con il tempo e, se per anni
    le richieste di correzione si sono indirizzate inevitabilmente verso forme concave e strette con
    punta all’insù, oggi il naso ideale è quello della duchessa di Cambridge, Kate Middleton.Leggi
  • La repubblica
    La terza via, nuova tecnica per rifarsi il naso Leggi
    Rinoplastica. Arriva quella “ibrida”. Più risparmi, sicurezza ed efficacia Leggi
  • Wellme
    Il naso più bello Leggi
  • Oggi
    Tutte pazze per il naso alla Kate
  • Salutedomani
  • Quitidianonet
    Entra dal naso e non lascia cicatrici. Arriva la microchirurgia invisibile Leggi
  • TGcom24
    Naso: quello “alla francese” non piace più Leggi
  • Andkronos
    Chirurgia: ritocco naso diventa high tech, arriva rinoplastica ibrida
  • ATS Insubria, sistema sanitario, regione Lombardia
    Formazione chirurgica di eccellenza a Varese Leggi
  • Il secolo XIX
    Non c’è crisi per la rinoplastica Leggi
  • MedicinaLive
    Chirurgia estetica per il naso alla Kate Middleton con tecniche mini-invasive Leggi
  • Telemeditalia
    Un profilo regale Leggi
  • Blogdelbenessere
    Chirurgia estetica: boom di richieste per il naso reale di Kate Middleton Leggi
  • Ultimenotizieflash
    Naso alla francese: non piace più a nessuno Leggi
  • Healthdesk
    Voglio il naso di Kate Leggi

Seguici su Instagram!

I am happy to attend the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS) to be held in Verona, September 14-17.🇮🇹
Every year a WORLD-RENOWNED surgeon and MENTOR is appointed to deliver the Joseph Lecture at the EAFPS Annual Meeting, in honour of Jacques Joseph (1865-1934), the father of rhinoplasty.

This year I have the HONOR and the PRIVELEGE to be the Joseph lecturer.

It happens ONCE in a life time.

🔷 I will share my experience as well as the ideas that I have developed in my LONG RHINOPLASTY JOURNEY shared with thousands of patients.
- visual distractors,
- hybrid route,
- multiportal approach,
- aesthetic subunits of the nose,
- analytical/surgical focus on nasal surface and contours will be explained in details.
🔷 I aim to the NEXT LEVEL of results while REDUCING surgical invasiveness.

🔹 I thank my PATIENTS wholeheartedly for their trust.
🔹 I thank my MENTOR Prof. Giorgio Sulsenti.
🔹 I thank my dearest FRIEND , Prof. Paolo Castelnuovo.
🔹 I thank the many COLLEAGUES that have been teachers and role models.
🔹 I thank my FAMILY for giving me strength and love to pursue such a passionating professional path.

#eafps #eafps2023 #josephlecture #rhinoplasty #rhinoplastymentor #rhinoplastyexpert #rinoplastica #rinoplasticamilano #rhinoplastyitaly #hybridrhinoplasty #closedrhinoplasty #rinoplasticaibrida #rinoplasticachiusa #youniquerhinoplasty #pietropalma

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🎤I'm a SPEAKER at the 46th annual meeting of the EAFPS (European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery) in Verona.
The meeting is just around the corner.
📌Mark your agenda and JOIN US for the ONLY ONE and UNIQUE session of this meeting where we'll talk about PROFESSIONAL but NOT TECHNICAL aspects that are essential for each of us.
Are you curious?
➡️Follow me and in the coming days I'll reveal a secret.
Beautiful and romantic Verona, where surgery meets beauty, is waiting for us!

#eafps #eafps2023 #eafpsannualmeeting #womeninsurgery #YOUniqueRhinoplasty #verona

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